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Booth Lake Memorial Park is jointly owned by the Village and Town of East Troy, and the Town of Troy.


This came about on August 14, 1922, with the object that it " used as a site for a building and other memorial in honor of the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, residents of the Towns who served in the late War against Germany”. 


It was officially dedicated as a Memorial Park on August 15, 1922.

Booth Lake Memorial Park
Booth Lake Memorial Park
Booth Lake Memorial Park - Tank

Booth Lake Memorial Park is an East Troy destination...  a place to gather with family and friends to celebrate an occasion in one or all of the rental pavilions,  a place to teach your child(ren) how to fish, to swim, to dive, to climb the "Tank", to pause and reflect on a soldiers' sacrifice for our Freedom and Democracy.


It is a place where sunsets are breathtaking, where a Great Blue Heron glides across the shimmering lake, and the sound of children laughing reminds you of your carefree days.


Facts & Figures


Area                                                118 ACRES

Maximum Depth                            24 FEET

Mean Depth                                   12 FEET


70% sand, 20% gravel, 0% rock, 10% muck

Fish                            Large Mouth Bass


Lake Health

Invasive Species *
Asiatic Clam (Corbicula), Chinese Mystery Snail, Eurasian Water-Milfoil


Trophic Status Mesotrophic


Park Hours

9AM to 9PM

N8465 Townline Rd 

East Troy WI 53120

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